/************************************************************************************/ /*** Dieses Query gehört zu WS#66636: Kooperation - Kooperation auflösen ***/ /************************************************************************************/ IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[sp_DeleteKOP]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC')) BEGIN DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_DeleteKOP] END GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_DeleteKOP] @lMandantID INT AS BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT lMandantID FROM KODef WHERE lMandantID = @lMandantID) BEGIN RAISERROR ('sp_DeleteKOP(): Invalid Parameter lMandant!', 11, 1) RETURN END BEGIN TRANSACTION -- Lösche alle relevanten Daten eines Kooperationspartners DELETE FROM KOINContainer WHERE (lMandantID = @lMandantID) DELETE FROM KOOUTContainer WHERE (lMandantID = @lMandantID) DELETE FROM KOLog WHERE (lMandantID = @lMandantID) DELETE FROM KOLeistung WHERE (lMandantID = @lMandantID) DELETE FROM KOHistory WHERE (lMandantID = @lMandantID) DELETE FROM KOBlockedService WHERE (lMandantID = @lMandantID) DELETE FROM KOBezirkStruktur WHERE (lMandantID = @lMandantID) UPDATE KODef SET dtLastInConnection = 0, dtLastOutConnection = 0, dtLastInData = 0, dtLastOutData = 0, lINLastContainerSequenz = 0, lOUTLastContainerSequenz = 0, dtChanged = GETDATE() WHERE (lMandantID = @lMandantID) COMMIT TRANSACTION END GO GRANT EXECUTE ON [dbo].[sp_DeleteKOP] TO [cx_Exec_SP_UDP] GO /************************************************************************************/